Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thank You!

Hello All,

It's once again been a while since I have blogged... to say the least my life is not very exciting at the moment. School is out so I am done subbing, and dance has been over for a few weeks as well. I'd be lying if I told you I was overly excited about my time off. I feel so lazy and I miss being around my dance kiddos and the kids at school too!

Last weekend my wonderful friends Emily and Brady got hitched. It was such a wonderful day and it was awesome to get to see so many friends all together! I don't think I could be any happier for them! (Congrats, guys!!!) Then the other day I was having lunch with Taylor and I realized I leave for Vietnam in only two short months. While I am extremely excited for this next chapter in my life, I realized that I won't be able to call up my friends when they are in town and go have lunch or hangout. For the first time since finding out about my big move I started to tear up. So now I am going to spend the next two months having fun and spending TONS of time with all the people I love!

The inspiration behind my short post tonight are my friends and family. Sometimes I think that I don't tell the people in my life how much I love them! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring family who happens to be supper fun. I am also extremely lucky to have great friends who are always there for me and who I have a blast with! So to all of my family and friends THANK YOU for all you do and all of your support, especially when it comes to my decision to move abroad! I love you!!!

With love,


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