Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Let Us Read and Let Us Dance"

Well I happened to find this quote by Voltarie and I thought it fit my life to the T right now, "Let us read and let us dance- two amusements that will never do any harm to the world." I figured finding such a fitting quote was a good reason to blog :)

Right now my life is consumed by reading and dancing. I have applied to sub and was happy to learn my application went through, so hopefully soon I will be subbing during the day. Until then, I spend a good part of my day reading. I have so many books at home that I have bought but haven't read yet. It is my goal to read them all this year, plus the ones I have on my kindle. So far I am on a pretty good role. So far this month I have read Little Bee and The Hunger Games. Both books were so good!! Little Bee was a story about a refugee girl from Nigeria and her relationship with a British couple. It was a quick read and it really made me think. I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought, but the cover caught my attention, so I picked it up and loved it! (Yes, I am guilty of judging books by their covers) Everyone seems to be obsessed with The Hunger Games and being a teacher who would ideally like to teach in an upper elementary classroom, I thought I had better read it. I am not a fan of the Twilight books or Harry Potter and really didn't think I would get too into this book. I began reading it in New Zealand and didn't really like it at first. I was also reading another book at the same time so I kind of forgot about it until last week. I decided to go ahead and give it a second shot. I am so glad I did. It was an amazing book! Once I got into I couldn't put it down!! I think I finished it in two days and the second I was done I ordered the second two books in the trilogy. I can't wait till they get here! So now I am onto book number three of the year, Water for Elephants. I have heard good things about it and am really enjoying it so far!

As for the dance part of the quote, I am still spending Sunday-Thursday night at the dance studios in Farley and Monticello. I don't think I could ever get tired of it! I love that I work will girls as young as five years old through women in their 50's. It is so fun!!

So hopefully I will soon be getting some subbing jobs, but until then I figure I could be doing less productive things all day then reading, so I am content.



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