Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Good Luck, Chuck! (or Lindsey)

As I type this blog, Lindsey is on her way to college in the big city! It is hard to believe my little sister is 18 and moving to Chicago for school... scary!!! It seems like just yesterday we were playing dress up or sneaking downstairs at four a.m. on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought us. Now I am living in Vietnam and have a big girl job and she is leaving home for college.

So Lindsey, I would like to give you some advice for school.....

One: learn how ride the L and use your GPS, while you have a better sense of direction then me, I promise you will get lost or ride the wrong line.
Two: Find your classes before the first day of class and don't walk around with a map. I know UCI has a smaller campus than State, but everyone always laughed at the freshmen walking around with huge maps out.
Three: Don't stress about one or two bad grades. You are smart and it will work out in the end.
Four: Make new friends and have lots of fun. College will fly by and before you know it you'll be in the 'real world.' So try new things and don't be afraid of messing up.

I wish I could be back in the States to see you off and come visit, but Skype and Viber will have to do. I love you lots and you will BE amazing and HAVE an amazing time... I am always here for you and can't wait to hear about all your fun adventures in Chicago!

Graduation day in May

Right before I left for Nam!

Love you XOXO!



  1. Are you trying to make your mother cry even more today?!?! What a sweet note to your sister!!

  2. She will cry lots no matter what!! It's only natural for her.. ;)
