Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goodbye Goodies!

Well today was a super sad, yet exciting today! I finished my first student teaching placement! I was so sad to leave all of the students behind, but excited to move on to New Zealand! The kids were so sweet.... they gave me close to a million hugs and kept telling me they were going to miss me. It made me feel so loved and special! Sadly, my cooperating teacher was not at school today and we had a sub, so yesterday the kids gave me the sweetest gift. About a week ago they made a canvas tote for me with all of their names and hand prints on it. Some how NONE of the kids spilled the beans and it was a total surprise. It was filled with all sorts of fun teacher/school supplies. Markers, pens, note pads, stickers and lots of things. It was so sweet, when they gave it to me they had the biggest smiles on their faces. They were so proud!! Here is a picture of the front and back..

And of course I had to make something for my students and Amy (my cooperating teacher)! I made Amy a sign to hang outside her room. I bought a little plaque from Wally World for a buck and some scrap-booking stickers. Then I used some paper I had at home, some paint and mod podge. It turned out so cute and she LOVED it. It said "Mrs. Boyles' Room," sadly I forgot to take a picture before I have it to her! I made the kids each a little goodie bag. It had a poem attached to it that said..

I'm glad I was your teacher
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here.
I hate to have to go.
Remember all the fun we had
in all the things we did,
But most of all remember...
You're a very special kid!

Inside you will find:
Chocolate hugs and kisses, to remind you that you’re loved..
An eraser, to remind you it’s okay to make mistakes..
Smarties, to remind you exactly how smart you are..
A penny, to remind you to use good sense..
A marker, to remind you to leave a good mark wherever you go..
A Band-Aid, to remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or someone else’s.

I found the poem online and had seen a lot of similar goodie bags before so I just did my own little spin on them! The kids were really excited today when I gave them the bags!

The goodies inside...

And the final bags!

Now it's time to move onto packing to head across the pond! I am already thinking of what to give my students there! I think I will do similar bags, I am also bringing them some new books for their class library, hopefully some new books they haven't read yet!


  1. I'm going to miss you while you're in NZ!!! Skype me sometime while you're there!!! And I love your goodie bag idea--super cute. I may have to steal your idea...;)

  2. I'm glad you like them, I was so proud! Of course you can steal them, that is why I posted it :)

    I will miss you too, but hopefully we will see each other in December when I am back for graduation! Just think only a little longer until you are student teaching!
