Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vegas Baby!!

Yesterday I got back my from my amazing Vacation to Las Vegas, and I think I am in love! It was such a fun place to be with endless things to do and see. 

My favorite thing to do was just walk the strip and see the different hotels and I had way more fun playing the slots than I thought I would! That could have something to do with the fact that I won $1003 on the first night!! I was walking around the casino in our hotel, New York, New York, with Emily, Brady and Elliot looking for four slots open next to each other. Well we found four and right away I saw a machine called 'lucky winner' and I said that was my machine I was going to win big on. Let's be honest though, my idea of big was like $20 so I was pretty jazzed when I won a grand!

The kids on the trip!

The 'Lukcy Winner'

My winnings!

The beautiful ladies on the trip!

It was by far one of my favorite places I have been too and I can't wait to go back :)


  1. I'm glad you had fun!!! Now you can take ME out to el azteca with your big bucks you won;)

  2. Haha, oh that money is pretty much gone to bills! I kept a little to do things like go out to eat or to the movies. I am on big time money saving right now... that win was a blessing for sure!
