Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Here We Go!

Hello to all! I just found out my first student teaching placement and I am super excited and a little bit nervous! I will be in Cedar Rapids teaching kindergarten at a title I school. To educate you all on what a title I school is, it is a school that has at least 40% students coming from a low income family. I am really excited for this experience and everything is has to offer. I am sure I will learn a TON of stuff! I am nervous however because since I have been at Iowa State I have not worked with students younger than fifth grade. That is a huge age gap! I still have yet to find out what age I will be teaching in New Zealand, but I am VERY excited to find out that one too! Hopefully it will be soon.. :)

I have so much end of the year stuff to catch up on in these next two weeks. I am so excited for summer, only 16 more days! I can't believe it, only two weeks until my last summer as a college student. I am determined to make it the best summer yet. I will mostly be in Ames working at Bath and Body Works and then I will move back to Monticello on July 18th. While I am really sad to be leaving my home of the past four years, I have to admit I am a little excited to move back home and save some mula! I am sure after a couple weeks I will be missing Ames terribly, but I'll be back to visit often.

Until my next post, stay happy!

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