I hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather as much as I am!! (If you aren't reading this in Iowa and didn't have our lovely weather, you are missing out!) I can only hope this gorgeous weather stays and the snow stays away!
To celebrate spring I had a rather productive day! I started off subbing in K/1 multiage room in the morning then came home and decided to bake some yummy cookies (not for me though, sadly)! After baking I put on my SHORTS and FLIP FLOPS to head to the studio and started wishing I had made time for a run in this weather! Thinking about running made me think about the Color Run again, so I ran into mom's office and decided to look up the dates the Color Run was in Kansas City, which happens to be my birthday weekend. Mom and Lindsey were free, so we signed up! I am so excited that I have signed up for my FIRST 5k!!! We are going to have a fun girls' weekend in Kansas City and end it with a 5k on Sunday.. in case you haven't heard of the color run, here is a video. I am SO excited! :)
In other news, some of you may know that last week my mom and I decided to try the GM Cleanse. It was a week long cleanse that basically took processed food out of your diet. Each day focused on a different type of food. It was difficult, but the end result was great! I lost some weight, but more importantly really began looking into eating less processed foods. Today was my first day off the cleanse, but I am still sticking to eating 'real food.'
I am also very excited right now for Spring Break to get here! I am spending the whole week in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with the Monticello Club Dance team for nationals. I am really looking forward to just laying out and reading all week. I have my Kindle all ready to go with two new books. First I will be reading Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan. I am super excited to read this book, I am hoping it will give me some good insights to making wiser food choices/cutting out processed foods. Then I am going to read Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella. I read Confessions of a Shopaholic and didn't love it, but I was starting to get into it at the end, so I am hoping this one is better!
That is all that is new and good in my life! Hope you all have a fabulous week and keep enjoying the weather.
Until next time,